Table of Contents
After you install the Microsoft Graph module, you can connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell. There are different methods to connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell. In this article, we will show you how to connect to Microsoft Graph with interactive mode, self-signed certificate, and client secret.
Azure Active Directory Graph API
The Azure Active Directory Graph API has been deprecated since June 30, 2023, so now you must migrate your apps to Microsoft Graph. Once you connect to Microsoft Graph, you can access Entra ID services and Microsoft 365 services.
Microsoft Graph has all the capabilities available in Entra ID Graph and new APIs like identity protection and authentication methods.
Install Microsoft Graph PowerShell module
1️⃣ First, you need to install the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. We recommend you update to the latest version, because some of the cmdlets will not work.
2️⃣ Or you can open Windows PowerShell as administrator then run all below commands at once to download and install all required packages and modules.
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Install-Module PowerShellGet -Force
Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph -Force
Install-Module Microsoft.Graph.Beta -Force
3️⃣ Once done, you can verify you have installed the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module and see which version is running using the below PowerShell cmdlet.
Get-InstalledModule | ? {($_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.Graph') -or ($_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.Graph.Beta')}
Version Name Repository Description
------- ---- ---------- -----------
2.6.1 Microsoft.Graph PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell module
2.6.1 Microsoft.Graph.Beta PSGallery Microsoft Graph PowerShell module
Bonus: You can always keep your PowerShell modules up to date and run the below command.
Update-Module Microsoft.Graph
After you installed the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module, you can start to connect.
Methods to connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell
We will show you three methods to connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell:
- Interactive mode (delegated access)
- Certificate Based Authentication (CBA)
- Client secret (password)
The first method is the easiest as you only need to connect with PowerShell. The other two methods are similar because it requires creating a new application in Entra ID. The difference between method 2 and 3 is that there are two ways to authenticate your newly created application in Azure Active Directory.
We will show you both ways but recommend to add a certificate (CBA) rather than a client secret for your application because they are not as secure.
Method 1: Connect MgGraph with interactive mode
The first method is the quickest and easiest way to connect to Microsoft Graph API with PowerShell.
1️⃣ Open PowerShell as administrator and run the below command.
2️⃣ Sign in with your admin credentials.
- Enter your admin account and password.
- Click Sign in.

3️⃣ If you have MFA enabled, you will get a verification code sent as a text message or to your Authentication app on your phone. If your MFA is disabled, you will not do anything here.
4️⃣ Now you must go back to the PowerShell windows, where you get this below output.
PS C:\> Connect-MgGraph
Welcome To Microsoft Graph!
PS C:\> Get-MgContext
ClientId : 14d82eec-204b-4c2f-b7e8-296a70dab67e
TenantId : c032627b-6715-4e39-9990-bcf48ee5e0c5
Scopes : {Group.ReadWrite.All, openid, profile, User.ReadWrite.All...}
AuthType : Delegated
TokenCredentialType : InteractiveBrowser
CertificateThumbprint :
CertificateSubjectName :
Account : [email protected]
AppName : Microsoft Graph Command Line Tools
ContextScope : CurrentUser
Certificate :
PSHostVersion : 5.1.19041.3031
ManagedIdentityId :
ClientSecret :
Environment : Global
Method 2: Connect with Certificate Based Authentication
Before we can connect to Microsoft Graph with PowerShell, you need to:
- Register an application in Entra ID and assign API permissions.
- Then create a self-signed certificate to the application.
Register new application in Entra ID
First, you need to register an application, where you will get the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID. Register a new application in Microsoft Entra admin center:
1️⃣ Sign into Microsoft Entra admin center > Identity > Applications > App registrations > New registration.

2️⃣ Register an application.
- Name your application as you want.
- Select Accounts in this organizational directory only (- Single tenant)
- Click Register

3️⃣ Successfully created application, you will be redirected to the app overview page. Copy the Application ID and Directory ID.

You need to copy the below values and paste them into Notepad because you need them later when connecting to Microsoft Graph:
- Application (client) ID: 3c17a3d6-8f7f-4407-b76f-ff0d22e4ab7a
- Directory (tenant) ID: c032627b-6715-4e39-9990-bcf48ee5e0c5
Assign API permissions
You must assign API permissions to the application you created.
1️⃣ Click API permission > Click Add a permission

2️⃣ Under the tab Microsoft APIs > Click Microsoft Graph

3️⃣ Click Application permissions > Search for User.Read.All > Select User > User.Read.All > Click Add permissions

4️⃣ Click Grant admin consent for your tenant > Click Yes

A green check mark appears that you granted admin consent successfully!

Create self-signed certificate
Once you created a new application, you can use a self-signed certificate to upload a .pfx file and .cer file to Entra ID.
First, you need to generate a self-signed certificate. It’s better to make the certificate on the same machine you want to run the unattended PowerShell script.
1️⃣ Log into any Windows Server or Desktop with Windows PowerShell as administrator.
2️⃣ Use the below PowerShell cmdlet to create a new self-signed certificate.
$mycert = New-SelfSignedCertificate `
-DnsName "" `
-CertStoreLocation "cert:\LocalMachine\My" `
-NotAfter (Get-Date).AddYears(5) `
-KeySpec KeyExchange `
-FriendlyName "myauth"
3️⃣ The certificate is now stored, to view the thumbprint, use the below PowerShell cmdlet.
PS C:\> $mycert | Select-Object -Property Subject,Thumbprint,NotBefore,NotAfter
Subject Thumbprint NotBefore NotAfter
------- ---------- --------- -------- 4619B79D13DF75AC5A207C0692FAA2AF537007EF 8/20/2023 11:16:10 PM 8/20/2028 11:26:10 PM
4️⃣ Copy the Thumbprint and paste it into Notepad. You will need it later when you connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell with CBA.
PS C:\> ($mycert).Thumbprint
Export to .cer file with PowerShell
We want to create a .cer file to upload later in Entra ID application. With a .cer file you can only connect to Microsoft Graph from the machine where the self-signed certificate is generated.
1️⃣ Create a folder named temp to save it in the C:\temp.
2️⃣ Use the below PowerShell cmdlet to export the certificate to .cer file.
New-Item -Path C:\temp -Type Directory
$mycert | Export-Certificate -FilePath "C:\temp\myauth.cer"
You will see the below output in PowerShell. You can find the .cer file on your computer in C:\temp.
PS C:\> $mycert | Export-Certificate -FilePath "C:\temp\myauth.cer"
Directory: C:\temp
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 8/20/2023 11:33 PM 808 myauth.cer
Export to .pfx file
We will also create a .pfx file so that you can connect to Microsoft Graph from any machine. You can copy or send a .pfx file to a person so it can be installed on another machine, because the .pfx file will be retrieved during the authentication process.
$mycert | Export-PfxCertificate `
-FilePath "C:\temp\myauth.pfx" `
-Password $(ConvertTo-SecureString -String "123456" -AsPlainText -Force)
You can find the .pfx file on your computer in C:\temp.
PS C:\> ls C:\temp\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 8/20/2023 11:33 PM 808 myauth.cer
-a---- 8/20/2023 11:36 PM 2693 myauth.pfx
Upload certificate to app
Now we need to upload the self-signed certificate you created earlier.
From the app overview:
- Click Certificates & secrets
- Select Certificates
- Click Upload certificate
- Click on the browse icon to search in C:\temp and select the myauth.cer file
- Add description
- Click Add

The certificate appears in the list with the thumbprint. Always ensure it has the same certificate thumbprint as the one you created previously.

Connect to Microsoft Graph with CBA
Type the below information to connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell with Certificate Based Authentication.
Run the below PowerShell script to connect to Microsoft Graph with CBA.
# Configuration
$ClientId = "3c17a3d6-8f7f-4407-b76f-ff0d22e4ab7a"
$TenantId = "c032627b-6715-4e39-9990-bcf48ee5e0c5"
$CertificateThumbprint = "4619B79D13DF75AC5A207C0692FAA2AF537007EF"
# Connect to Microsoft Graph with CBA
Connect-MgGraph -ClientId $ClientId -TenantId $TenantId -CertificateThumbprint $CertificateThumbprint
You are connected to Microsoft Graph. An excellent way to verify is to run the below cmdlet.
PS C:\> Get-MgContext
ClientId : 3c17a3d6-8f7f-4407-b76f-ff0d22e4ab7a
TenantId : c032627b-6715-4e39-9990-bcf48ee5e0c5
Scopes : {User.Read.All}
AuthType : AppOnly
TokenCredentialType : ClientCertificate
CertificateThumbprint : 4619B79D13DF75AC5A207C0692FAA2AF537007EF
CertificateSubjectName :
Account :
AppName : myauth
ContextScope : Process
Certificate :
PSHostVersion : 5.1.19041.3031
ManagedIdentityId :
ClientSecret :
Environment : Global
Method 3: Connect MgGraph with Client Secret app
In the last method, we will show you how to create a Client Secret to the newly created application.
1️⃣ See the above steps to register a new application in Azure. In our example, we will use the same application we created earlier.
2️⃣ Assign API permissions. See the above steps to assign API permissions to the Azure application. In our example, we already assigned API permissions to the application we created earlier.
3️⃣ To create a Client Secret for your application in Microsoft Entra portal, follow these steps:
- Click on Certificates & secrets
- Click Client secrets > New client secret
- Type the description
- Select an expiration date
- Click Add

4️⃣ Copy the client secret Value and save it

5️⃣ Connect to Microsoft Graph with Client Secret. You need to change the below parameters values to connect to MS Graph with Client Secret:
# Configuration
$ClientId = "3c17a3d6-8f7f-4407-b76f-ff0d22e4ab7a"
$TenantId = "c032627b-6715-4e39-9990-bcf48ee5e0c5"
$ClientSecret = "HRt8Q~nJkPCq-Nvo-9fYBeQQMlqegHpNRfb3pcuQ"
# Convert the client secret to a secure string
$ClientSecretPass = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $ClientSecret -AsPlainText -Force
# Create a credential object using the client ID and secure string
$ClientSecretCredential = New-Object `
-TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential `
-ArgumentList $ClientId, $ClientSecretPass
# Connect to Microsoft Graph with Client Secret
Connect-MgGraph -TenantId $TenantId -ClientSecretCredential $ClientSecretCredential
That’s it! You successfully connected to Microsoft Graph PowerShell!
PS C:\> Get-MgContext
ClientId : 3c17a3d6-8f7f-4407-b76f-ff0d22e4ab7a
TenantId : c032627b-6715-4e39-9990-bcf48ee5e0c5
Scopes : {User.Read.All}
AuthType : AppOnly
TokenCredentialType : ClientSecret
CertificateThumbprint :
CertificateSubjectName :
Account :
AppName : myauth
ContextScope : Process
Certificate :
PSHostVersion : 5.1.19041.3031
ManagedIdentityId :
ClientSecret : System.Security.SecureString
Environment : Global
You learned how to connect to Microsoft Graph PowerShell with a self-signed certificate, client secret, and interactive mode. Remember to update MS Graph module to the latest version, create an application and assign API permissions if you connect with client secret or CBA. With CBA, there is no more user interactions, usernames, passwords, or MFA involved to run automated scripts.
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