Table of Contents
Internet Download Manager IDM
IDM stands for Internet Download Manager, And it is one of the best PC tools that help you with downloads. With the help of this program, you will be able to download files with ease. As well as it offers you features like pause and resume. So you can have complete control over your downloads.
However, the thing is that IDM is not a free tool. Instead, it comes with 30 days of trial. Then you would get this error and IDM no longer works.
IDM Trial Reset Tools ?
You can do a search on Google, then download a Trial Reset Tool. But most of them give you a bunch of viruses and spywares.
I’ve downloaded some Trial Reset tools then scan them using Virus Total. As you can see, it included many viruses and spyware.
Build your own IDM Trial Reset Tool
You can download the batch file then don’t forget scan it with your antivirus software or Virus Total. Or you can create your own IDM Trial Reset tool from the code at the bottom of this post.
1. First, download the Rest IDM batch file in the below link.
2. Extract downloaded file then right click on the batch file and Run as administrator.
If you don’t want download the batch file , here is the script details, you can copy then create your own batch file.
@echo off
Title IDM Trial Reset by Tee Vee & Color 57
@echo ------------------------------------------------------------
@Echo Resetting your IDM License Brought to you by Tee Vee :))
@echo Good luck !
@Echo ------------------------------------------------------------
taskkill /im IDMan.exe /f /t
set "HKCU=HKCU\Software\DownloadManager"
if exist "%SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\" (
set "HKCR=HKCR\Wow6432Node\CLSID"
set "HKLM=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Internet Download Manager"
) else (
set "HKLM=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Internet Download Manager"
echo %HKCR%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7} [7] >>Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C} [7] >>Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192} [7] >>Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC} [7] >>Permissions
echo %HKCR%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671} [7] >>Permissions
regini Permissions
del Permissions
reg delete "%HKCR%\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{5ED60779-4DE2-4E07-B862-974CA4FF2E9C}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{6DDF00DB-1234-46EC-8356-27E7B2051192}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{7B8E9164-324D-4A2E-A46D-0165FB2000EC}" /f
reg delete "%HKCR%\{D5B91409-A8CA-4973-9A0B-59F713D25671}" /f
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%HKCU%" /v Serial /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v Email /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v FName /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v LName /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v Serial /f
reg delete "%HKLM%" /v InstallStatus /f
@echo ------------------------------------------------------------
@ECHO Congratulations !!!
@echo ------------------------------------------------------------