In some cases, you want to change your current Microsoft 365 account password to a new one to get more secure.
1. To achieve this goal, let’s sign in into your Microsoft 365 account at
2. In the homepage, navigate to the top right corner then open the View account link. Or you can go to that place through this link
3. You will be redirect to your account page. In this page, select Password in the left side. Or you can visit this link directly
4. Type your current account password then specify a new one. When you create a new password, use the following guidelines.
- Use 8 to 16 characters.
- Create a strong password that can’t be easily guessed or cracked. Work or school account passwords require at least 3 of the following:
- Lowercase letters
- Uppercase letters
- Numbers (0-9)
- Symbols, including: ! @ # $ % ^ & * – _ + = [ ] { } | \ : ‘ , . ? / ` ~ “ < > ( ) ;
Finally, sign out then resign in into your Microsoft 365 account using newly created password.