Table of Contents
If your Mac has multiple users, you should set up an account for each person so each can personalize settings and options without affecting other users. You can let occasional users log in as guests without access to other users’ files or settings.
Creating a New Administrator Account
1. Launch System Preferences from the Apple menu or from the Applications folder.

2. In the System Preferences window, click Users & Groups.

3. Now, click the lock icon and enter your password to make a change.

4. Click the plus button located below the list of user accounts to a new account.

5. Select Administrator from the drop-down menu of account types.

6. Enter the requested information: the new account holder’s full name, account name, password, and password hint. Then click on button.

Finally, the new administrator account was created. You can log out the current user then login into your Mac using new account to verify it works.