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Selecting parts of objects
You can use the Select-Object cmdlet to create new, custom PowerShell objects that contain properties selected from the objects you use to create them.
Type the following command to create a new object that includes only the Name and FreeSpace properties of the Win32_LogicalDisk WMI class:
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk
DeviceID DriveType ProviderName VolumeName Size FreeSpace
-------- --------- ------------ ---------- ---- ---------
C: 3 OS 213970317312 79270346752
D: 3 DATA 297359372288 237870116864
P: 2 pCloud Drive 2199023255552 1442060361728
Z: 4 \\ExpanDrive\e8psvd7c-1 Amazon S3 10995116277760 10995116277760
PS C:\> Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk | Select-Object -Property Name, FreeSpace
Name FreeSpace
---- ---------
C: 79271546880
D: 237870116864
P: 1442060361728
Z: 10995116277760
With Select-Object you can create calculated properties to display FreeSpace in gigabytes rather than bytes.
Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
Select-Object -Property Name, @{
label='FreeSpace' ; expression={($_.FreeSpace/1GB).ToString('F2')}
Name FreeSpace
---- ---------
C: 73.83
D: 221.53
P: 1343.02
Z: 10240.00
Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_LogicalDisk |
Select-Object -Property Name, `
@{label='FreeSpace' ; expression={($_.FreeSpace/1GB).ToString('F2')}}, `
@{label='Volume' ; expression={$_.VolumeName}}
Name FreeSpace Volume
---- --------- ------
C: 73.84 OS
D: 221.53 DATA
P: 1343.02 pCloud Drive
Z: 10240.00 Amazon S3
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